Pastor's Update

August 2020

First Things - August 26, 2020

Devotion   Just the other day I saw a bumper sticker stating, “In Science We Trust.”  Science consists of human interpretations and conclusions based on human observations.  God gave us our senses and intends for us to use them to increase our...

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First Things - August 19, 2020

Happy Day At SpringBrook   The COVID Crisis has touched us all.  But perhaps the group of individuals which have suffered more than any other group is the senior citizens who live in nursing homes and care facilities.  Completely isolated from the their families and friends...

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First Things - August 10, 2020

We Need Rain   It's not uncommon for us in the Midwest to have a dry spell in late July and early August.  We're in the midst of one right now.  You can see when you look at the grass.  And go away for a few days and it's possible you'll come back and...

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First Things - August 3, 2020

Great Morning   If you're a "morning person" - and I know some of you aren't - this morning was picture perfect:  57 degrees and not a cloud in the sky.     90% of our mornings were crystal clear when we lived in Malawi, with the...

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