8/10/2020 1:42:49 PM
First Things - August 10, 2020
We Need Rain
It's not uncommon for us in the Midwest to have a dry spell in late July and early August. We're in the midst of one right now. You can see when you look at the grass. And go away for a few days and it's possible you'll come back and find a potted plant dead or dying from lack of moisture.
Our faith runs the risk of shrivelling up and dying too. It happens when we don't make time for his word in our life. But in spite of all the times when we've let all the stuff in our life crowd out his word from our lives, he keeps offering it to us in abundance. He keeps telling us that he loves us, pointing us to the cross as the proof. And the message of the Lord's love revives us, gives us new life. We have his word on it:
As the rain and the snowcome down from heaven,and do not return to itwithout watering the earthand making it bud and flourish,so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,so is my word that goes out from my mouth:It will not return to me empty,but will accomplish what I desireand achieve the purpose for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:10,11
Outdoor Worship
Not that I put my faith in it, but my weather app says it's going to be partly cloudy and 80 degrees at 6:30 this evening. So, it looks like we'll have outdoor worship again.
It takes place in the backyard of the parsonage (409 Main St). You can enter via the path on the left side of the house or from the alley through the gate at the back of the property.
Voters' MeetingPlease bring your own lawn chair or a blanket to sit on.
We had our voters' meeting yesterday. The major development is that it was unanimously approved to reroof the church next year.There will be some copies of the "reports packet" from the meeting at this evening's worship service. Or you can contact the church office to receive one (507-895-4775 or churchoffice@keepchristfirst.com).
Celebration of Gideon Holub's Life - August 22
God Be With You Till We Meet Again
Pastor Mark