Happy Day At SpringBrook

The COVID Crisis has touched us all.  But perhaps the group of individuals which have suffered more than any other group is the senior citizens who live in nursing homes and care facilities.  Completely isolated from the their families and friends for months, what they have suffered is a tragedy.  
That tragedy was alleviated a bit today as Pastor Unnasch and I received permission to start worship services at SpringBrook Village here in La Crescent.  The Lord provided a magnificent day for our outdoor worship in which everyone wore masks and remained socially distant.  Twenty individuals were excited to attend their first worship service in 23 weeks!
I know that some of you are still uncomfortable attending in-person worship, even outside.  And others are busy with summer activities.  But please don't let your busyness or your uncomfortability become an excuse for neglecting the Lord and his Word.  
Remember outdoor worship in my backyard is still continuing on Monday evenings - so far the Lord has blessed us with great weather where the only problem was shielding your eyes from the setting sun!
New Sermon Series
In January we began a sermon series on the life of God's Friend Abraham, covering Genesis 12-24.  After Holy Week and Easter we began a series of sermons on the First Epistle Of Peter, Messages Of Hope In A Time Of Crisis.  You can hear and see any of the sermons you missed HERE.
This coming Sunday we will return to the book of Genesis and begin a series of sermons on the lives of Abraham's son Isaac, Isaac's son Jacob (or Israel), and Jacob's son Joseph.  In these sermons we will cover Genesis 25-50.  
I pray that you will be blessed through these messages.
Celebration Of Life For Gideon Holub
The Celebration of Life for Gideon Holub will be this Saturday beginning at 10:00 AM at Old Hickory Park here in La Crescent.  You can find more information on the event - and register to attend - HERE.
There will be metal folding chairs at the park, but you might consider bringing your own lawn chair for increased comfort.  
Him + Her - Contemporary Christian Musicians In Concert
Him + Her, a WELS couple who perform contemporary Christian music, will perform a concert at First Lutheran on Thursday, September 10 at 7:00 PM.  
This concert is free, sponsored by the ladies of Immanuel Lutheran Church on South Ridge.
You may see and hear a sample of the type of music they perform HERE.
Remote Sunday School
Right now we're not sure when we will begin in-person Sunday School at church.  But there is a remote Sunday School option to keep your child in the Word.  Northwestern Publishing House, a WELS subsidiary, offers parents with children between preschool and grade six the opportunity to watch a video Sunday School lesson online each Sunday, beginning the Sunday after Labor Day.  A lesson kit with activities will also be sent to parents who request them.  
Parents, if you'd like to do this with your child, please contact Pastor Mark (608-881-4041).  
Parents with children in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade - I will be contacting you soon about confirmation class which will begin after Labor Day.  
Mission Festival & Four-Week Bible Study
Our Mission Festival will take place on Sunday, September 27 and Monday, September 28.  Pastor Gregory Bey, former WELS missionary in Bulgaria and Indonesia (and former pastor at St. Matthew's in Winona) will be our guest preacher.  
We will also have a four-week pre-mission festival Bible study on Thursdays - September 3, 10, 17, and 24 (9:00 AM in church basement) in which we will study the four chapters of the Old Testament book Jonah.  

La Crescent Food Shelf


Open Hours:  Wednesdays, 1:30 - 5:00 PM and Second Saturdays Of Each Month, 8:30 AM - Noon.


There are also many volunteer opportunities (pulling groceries for pre-packaged bags, helping with shopping, helping with Hunger Task Force shopping, etc.). For more details, email LaCrescentFoodShelf@gmail.com.


God Be With You Till We Meet Again!


Pastor Mark