Pastor's Update

Too Much On Your Plate? - October, 2022

Too Much On Your Plate? Ever feel like you have too much on your plate, like the Lord is asking you to do too much? Moses felt like that, when the LORD appeared to him in the burning bush and said, The cry of the Israelites has reached me, and I have seen the way the Egyptians are oppressing them....

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I Don't Like Change! - September, 2022

I Don’t Like Change! We are Lutherans and Lutherans don’t like change. We might recognize the necessity of changing a lightbulb every once in a while, but change a hymnal – why??? To read the newsletter in its entirety download here.

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The Theology of the Cross - August 2022 Newsletter

The WELS has its synod conventions at the end of July of every odd-numbered year. So, there isn’t one this year. Recently, however, I ran across words that President Mark Schroeder spoke to the 2009 convention, the first one after he was elected president. They remind us of an important...

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Luther's Simple Way To Pray ITCP July 2022 Newsletter

One day, while Martin Luther was having his hair cut, his barber (Peter Beskendorf) confided in him that he was having trouble praying and asked him for advice. Luther went home and quickly penned the little booklet A Simple Way To Pray. He encouraged his barber to pray the catechism. By that he...

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We're For Love - June 2022 Newsletter

We’re FOR Love Many people only know our brand of Lutheranism for what they’ve heard we’re AGAINST. You’ve heard statements like, The WELS is AGAINST abortion, AGAINST sex before marriage, or AGAINST this or that church.  And, let’s be honest, our own...

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Where Are We Headed And Why? May, 2022 Newsletter

Where Are We Headed And Why? Worship attendance is down. That’s a fact. And it’s not just because of COVID, although the pandemic certainly didn’t help the situation. In 2009, 48% of American Christians said they worshipped every week . By 2020, the percentage of...

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February Newsletter

Click here for the February pdf newsletter or read it below! Spring Is Coming! I can say spring is coming with confidence. Just look outside. On January 1, we had 8 hours, 59 minutes and ten seconds of light. On February 1, we were up to 9 hours, 54 minutes, and one second of daylight –...

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January Newsletter

Click here for the January pdf newsletter Click here for the Video Newsletter for January

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December Video Newsletter

Click here to watch the December video newsletter.

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November Video Newsletter

Click here to view the newsletter

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