When are the worship services held?

Sundays at 9:00am

Leading up to Easter we have Lent worship held every Wednesday at 6:30pm (dates of Lent fluctuate so watch our calendar).
Other special services of the church year can be found on our calendar.

What is First Lutheran like?
Our visitors often comment that they like the family atmosphere of First Lutheran, and that its worshipers are friendly. The church building seats 200 people for worship.

What does First Lutheran teach?
By our very nature we are all rebels against God. God answered our rebellion (our sin) with love. Jesus Christ lived a perfect sinless life for you (as a substitute for you and all people). Jesus also died on the cross to pay the penalty for your sins and for the sins of all people. This foundational truth is emphasized by First Lutheran in all of its programs. This is the central theme of our worship. We teach what God says in the Bible. You are encouraged to ask us, "Where is that taught in the Bible?" Every Christian pastor and teacher should welcome that question.

What is the worship service like?
Our worship services focus on what God has to tell us in the Bible. Each service has several readings from the Bible, a sermon, 4-5 songs, and several prayers. As you enter the church, a greeter will hand you a worship folder. The worship folder lists events happening that week at First Lutheran. The Order Of Worship helps you follow what is happening during the worship service and is projected on the screen. Several times the congregation (everyone) will stand to honor God, such as while the Gospel is read from the Bible. While a choir may sing at a service you attend, most songs are sung by the entire congregation. Sometimes the congregation reads out loud following the words on the screen. You may choose to stand, sing, and read, or not to stand, sing, or read. It is your choice. 

Where is First Lutheran located?
We are located in La Crescent, MN which is across the Mississippi river from well known La Crosse, WI. Our address is 414 Main Street, La Crescent, MN 55947.

How will I know what to do during the service?
If you wish to participate in the service, just follow what is projected on the screen. During a traditional service, the hymn books (located at each seat) can be used for most songs. Bibles are also available at your seat to follow along with the readings. Please feel free to ask any nearby person, "I'm new here. Can you help me?" We really desire to help our guests including you.

Can I remain anonymous (will I be pointed out to everyone as a visitor)?
First Lutheran does NOT ask visitors to stand up and be introduced as some churches do. Our ushers, greeters, and some regular worshipers will probably greet you as you enter and leave church. It is up to you whether you wish to have an extended conversation with us. Many visitors attend several times before they wish to have a conversation.

I just want to come and watch. Is that OK?
It is entirely OK. Everyone is welcome to come and simply watch, or to participate in the worship service. Whether you are a Christian looking for a new church home, or someone of another faith who simply wishes to see what our worship is all about, please feel welcome.

How should I dress?
Be yourself. Come casual or dress up. Many of our regular worshipers wear their best clothes in reverence to God, while many other regular worshipers wear what is comfortable, knowing that God accepts us as we are. Both can honor God with their choice.

Where should I park?
There is ample space for parking in the angled street parking spots in front of church.  There is also a small lot west of the church.

What about my young children?
Families are encouraged to bring their young children to worship. Worship bags with items to involve young children in the service are available on hooks as you enter to find your seats on the back wall. A speaker equipped nursery with a window to see the service is located near the church entry, and a changing table equipped restroom is nearby. Please use the nursery room out of consideration of others if your child is having difficulty during the service.  First Lutheran encourages families to worship together.

What about the offering?
The offering allows members of First Lutheran an opportunity to give a monetary gift out of love for Jesus. As our guest you are not expected to contribute, but any gift you give is appreciated.

What about Holy Communion?
We celebrate the Lord's Supper on the 1st and 3rd weekends of each month. In keeping with God's Word, and as a confession of faith, we ask that only members of First Lutheran, another WELS or ELS congregation, or visitors who have spoken about communion with the pastor before worship, come forward to the Lord's Table.

What if I use a wheelchair, or have special vision or hearing needs?
The side front door of the church has no step access. Accessible reserved parking spaces are provided near the entrance. Accessible restrooms are located on both floors near the full size accessible elevator. A wheelchair is available from the ushers. 

Are there refreshments after the service?
Sometimes.  We are hoping to add this to our weekly routine.

When are Bible studies held?
Bible studies are held on Mondays at 9am or every Sunday after church at 10:15am. Come every week or just once in a while. While the content of most studies is aimed at adults, teens and children are also welcome to attend. It is up to the parent to decide if the adult topic is appropriate for their children.