11/29/2022 1:43:51 PM
What We Get When We Worship - November, 2022
It’s so easy to forget who we are in Christ and what we have been given as his child. It’s so easy to give in to fear and shame and guilt, and to forget what Jesus Christ did for us with his life, his death, and his resurrection. It’s so easy – when we are facing hardships in life – to forget that nothing is powerful enough to separate us from God’s love. When we are struggling, it’s so easy to forget that if God gave us his own Son, he will also give us everything else we need. It’s so easy to fail to live in light of the fact that Jesus didn’t die just to take away our wretched past and to ensure our wonderful future, but also for everything that we are facing here and now. It’s so easy to forget that everything that comes into our lives is sent by a Savior who wants us to recognize that we are but strangers here and heaven is our home. It’s so easy to forget that God loves and accepts us no less on our worst days than he does on our best days. It’s so easy to feel weak in the face of temptation, so easy to wonder if God is with us and if he hears. When life seems out of control, it’s so easy to forget that Jesus Christ rules over all things for his glory and for our good. And because it’s so easy to do all these things, the Lord comes into our lives when we come together to hear his word and to worship him. It’s in worship that he reminds us of what he has done for us – in Christ. In worship he reminds us of what he will do for us – in Christ. And, more blessedly than we sometimes think, it’s in worship that he reminds us of what he is doing for us right now – in Christ. And that is why the inspired writer to the Hebrews tells us: Let us not neglect meeting together, as some have the habit of doing. Rather, let us encourage each other, and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:25
To read the newsletter in its entirety download here.