3/4/2020 8:59:48 PM
March 4, 2020 - A Lot Of Announcements
First Steps Early Learning Center Director
Ms. Anne Marquardt recently declined our call to serve as the director of our early learning center (ELC).
The ELC Business Team will meet next week to discuss the situation and make a recommendation concerning the future. The Board for Lay Ministry will then discuss that recommendation.
There will be a VOTERS’ MEETING after worship on Sunday, March 29 to discuss and make decisions on this situation.
Pictorial Directory
The Board for Lay Ministry approved going ahead with a new pictorial directory for the congregation.
We will be in need of people to help organize photo days, prepare congregational pages, do proof reading, etc. If you are interested in helping, please contact the church office (churchoffice@keepchristfirst.
Easter Services & Breakfast
We will have two worship services on Easter Sunday (April 12): 7:00 AM and 9:00 AM.
An Easter breakfast will be served in between in the church basement. If you are interested in helping, please contact the church office (churchoffice@keepchristfirst.
Wiest-Pieper Tuition Assistance for Lutheran Education
This year the congregation is able to offer tuition assistance to families who have their children enrolled in Lutheran schools through the Wiest-Pieper Fund.
Applications are available in the church narthex. They must be handed in to the church office by March 31. A committee will decide on distributions in April and inform parents of their decisions in May.
WELS International Youth Rally
The WELS International Youth Rally will take place in Knoxville, Tennessee on June 23-26. The theme of the rally is 2020 Vision.
The rally is for confirmed young people who have not yet begun college.
If any members of the congregation are interested in attending, they should contact Pastor Mark (pastor@keepchristfirst.com or 608-881-4041)
Congregation Finances
The good news is that there has been a 20% increase in offerings comparing what was received January and February in 2020 with what was received during the same period last year. We pray that this will continue throughout the year.
The not-so-good news is that expenses in January and February significantly exceeded income: There was a shortfall of close to $11,800 for the congregation and $14,600 for the Early Learning Center.
Some of the shortfall is due to the fact that there were three paydays in January (when you have 26 pay periods a year, there are always two months that have three paydays and January was one of them this year). Another unexpected expense was the roof repair. We will have a clearer view of the situation at the end of March.
Worship Services
Lenten worship services are in full swing. I will be preaching here this evening. On the next four Wednesday evening services (March 11, 18, 25 and April 1), I’ll be preaching at other area congregations and their pastors will be here at first.
Monday worship services will begin again on Monday April 26.
Please keep the following special services in mind:
- Palm Sunday (April 5) - 9:00 AM
- Maundy Thursday (April 9) Worship With Holy Communion - 6:30 PM
- Good Friday (April 10) - 2:00 PM
- Easter Sunday (April 12) - 7:00 AM & 9:00 AM
Just a reminder - if you missed a sermon in the Abraham series, you can view the sermons at https://vimeo.com/
Lenten Fellowship Meals
There will be Lenten fellowship meals before every Lenten service at 5:30 PM. There are free-will offering baskets on the tables. These offerings will go to different purposes. Please check to see how these offerings will be used.
Confirmation Examination will take place on Mothers' Day (May 10). Confirmation and First Communion will be on May 17.
Available In The Narthex:
- Meditations (March 1 - May 30)
- Chapter-A-Day Bible Reading Guides
- WELS Together News Updates