Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children 2 and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Ephesians 5:1,2

It’s a month after Valentine’s Day. Certainly Valentine’s Day changed you this year. The great day of showing love must have had an affect this time. Did it? Are you still showing the love you did on Valentine’s Day? Are you still making the extra effort for the ones you love? How many of you are stilling bringing flowers and candies? How many of you are still leaving love notes? You aren’t? Why not?

Valentine’s Day is a hallmark holiday. That’s why it lasts only but a day or two. For Christians, God has something better. We are called to live a life of love. Notice, not a day of love, not a week of love, not to love when others love us, not love the lovable, but to live a life of love. That means are entire life should be consumed with love, having it, and giving it. This sounds impossible, does it not?

Humanly speaking, this is impossible. But nothing is impossible with God and God is where love comes from and God is the empowerment of our love. We are called to imitate God. The Bible says that God is love. The Bible says that God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only son for our sins. The Bible says that the Holy Spirit has given us faith and made us dearly loved children of God. And as dearly loved children, God would have us live a life of love.

Love came to us from God through Jesus. And Jesus is the perfect example of imitating God in his love. Jesus loved us, even while we were still sinners, he gave himself up. He didn’t think about himself. He didn’t think about how busy his life was. He didn’t think about how much more important he was than everyone else. He gave up himself and died on the cross, not for anything he had done, but what we had done. He, the sinless, died for us, the sinners. It was an offering to God, Jesus in our place. And it was fragrant to God. He was pleased because it was only by the loving sacrifice of Jesus that this world could be free from sin and death.

And it is only by the loving sacrifice of Jesus that we truly understand love. Imitating God and living a life of love comes only from a heart that has known this true love. It is a heart that knows it does not deserve forgiveness. It is a heart that confesses it has failed to love God and neighbor as we should. It is a heart that trusts God’s Word, that all of our sins have been forgiven by his love in Jesus’ sacrifice. It is a heart that believes. It is a life that loves.

Valentine’s Day has come and gone once again. Was it for you, all that this world has made it to be? Have you been changed by Valentine’s Day? True love is not in a bouquet of flowers or in a box of candy. Don’t get me wrong, special occasions are appropriate to show love. But for a Christian, every day is the opportunity and goal to love. During the Lenten Season, we follow Jesus to the cross and see the heart of his love, you. Let Jesus’ love for you always be the central focus of your days. God gave his son to die for you. Jesus gave himself up as the only sacrifice for sin. That’s love. Live that love every day. Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Keep Christ First!

Pastor Chris Christenson