“Get with the times!” Maybe that has been said to you before. “Get with the times” can be good advice. When it comes to fashion or clothing it isn’t necessarily bad to “get with the times.” I remember a professor who was told to get with the times by his students because he was still wearing a baby blue leisure suit at the turn of the millennium. He took it as good advice. I’m sure you may remember some fashion blunders that you would just as soon forget. It’s not necessarily bad for us at times to “get with the times.”

Too often though, people think that God and his people should also “get with the times.” As the one who set time in motion and governs all things for our good, God does not change nor does his word nor does his promises. God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? Numbers 23:19 God hasn’t changed his mind concerning sin and grace. He still hates sin, and unbelief still damns. God still loves the world so much that he gave his Son Jesus to die for sin, once for all. He hasn’t changed his mind about us. He still calls us to repentance and gives us the joy of knowing our salvation in Jesus through the Means of Grace. If everything else in this world changes, you can be sure that God’s word, love and promises will not.

As far as “getting with the times” as God’s people, many throughout the years have said, “if you don’t get with the times or follow the trends of the time, people won’t come to church.” Not so, at least here. We are finishing up a sermon series on being Biblically Correct, that is, not changing with this politically correct world. First Lutheran is teaching the changeless truths of God’s Word in spite of being politically incorrect and the pews are as filled as they have ever been. As we stand on God s Word alone, more and more have come to be members. This body of believers remains today not because they changed with the times or evolved into a 21st century church. This congregation remains and grows today because God and his word have not changed in their lives or their teaching.

Why would we want to change from being the eternal life giving, Biblically Correct church? Things will change in this world.  Members and pastors may come and go, the times and the trends may change throughout the world but the word, love and promises of God endure forever.

Praise the LORD, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples. For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the LORD endures forever.   Praise the LORD. Psalm 117

Keep Christ First!

Pastor Chris Christenson